Saturday, July 15, 2023



    In astrology,  the Sign of Cancer is referred to as the " Moon Sign ".  And,  the moon governs emotions and intuitive behavior.  For this reason, Cancer people have the capacity to feel, care and build strong emotional bonds with others.

  Typically,  the Cancer personality will invest much time and effort with activities that will enhance a feeling of security for themselves and others.  In fact,  Cancer people have an extraordinary "Super Power "  for nurturing and supporting others.  They exhibit a profound awareness for the well-being of others.  It's like they possess this natural desire to contribute to the lives of others.  

  People with the Sign of Cancer seem to have a gift for compassionate, thoughtful and considerate actions towards others.  And,  it's well established that Cancer people are emotionally attached to the welfare of their loved ones.  But,  even though, Cancers are highly considerate individuals,  they do have a few things they dislike:  

1Dislikes criticism of their home:  

When people are born with the Sign of Cancer,  home becomes a special place.  It's where they put all their creative energy.   Home is safe.  Home is their heaven!

2. Dislikes people who forget names and dates:

Cancer people have an obsession with the past.  The people and those events of the past years will continue to live in a Cancers memory.  

3. Dislikes anyone who refuses their cooking:

 Generally speaking,  Cooking and food represent comfort and security for Cancer people. They put their heart and soul into their cooking.  And,  sharing their food is like extending those feelings of warmth, comfort and security.



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