Sunday, November 12, 2023



  Some historians have said,  there seems to be less new ideas and instead new people discovering old ideas.  Especially,  when diving deep into the earliest astrological cultures.  Such as,  the Ancient Indian zodiac.  What does it reveal?  And what makes it different?

  Well,  Ancient societies would often use astrology and religion.  In fact,  Hindu religion is traced back to seven sages,  known as,  the "Rishis" meaning    " to shine".  The original Rishis were seven stars of the constellation the "Big Dipper" .  Literally,  Hindu religion began with the stars.  

  Moreover,  when the stars formed patterns in the heavens they were given names and worshiped as Gods.  Of course,  the Sun was the most powerful God.  Because it gave warmth, light, nourished plant life and made crops grow.  Historians say,  the Ancient Egyptians, Incas and Hindus were all Sun worshipers.  

  Although,  In the Ancient Hindu religion,  "Vishnu"  was the reigning God of Hinduism,  the Sun incarnate,  their most divine being.  Wow!!  Fascinating!  But,  what else made Indian religion and astrology,  so different? 

  Indian astrology and the practice of Hindu religion divided the sky in 28 equal parts,  called "Lunar Mansions".  Each part representing a passage of the moon thru its 28 - day cycle,  "The Lunar Cycle ".  This became the basis of Eastern Astrology.  And, " The Solar Cycle"  was founded much more on Western Astrology / Philosophy.  

  However,  the Indian zodiac has twelve signs, same as Western Astrology.  But,  India has a different concept not originally found in Western Astrology.  This is the doctrine of Karma and reincarnation.  

  According to doctrine,  Karma is the Journey of the soul through various lives"Incarnation". Oftentimes,  the practice of astrology in india is linked to what stage a persons soul has reached.  

Wow!!  How fascinating!