Thursday, June 15, 2023




   When a Capricorn decides to give their heart usually they are serious about vows, commitments, devotion and faithfulness.   But,  arriving at that point in a relationship may take some time to actually happen.  You might say,  why is that?

     Well,  although courteous,  having a romantic relationship with a Capricorn may not be easy.  Generally speaking,  they do not want to form a relationship / friendship too quickly.  Capricorns tend to be solitary, distant, uninterested, dull, no frills and not very friendly.

     On the contrary,  Leo people will display a personality of immense charm, charisma, lively energy, romantic, fiery passion and much excitement.  Generally speaking,  Leos like to tease and flirt.  But,  once they give their hearts,  they are steady, generous and truthful with lots of smiles and playfulness.  However,  Capricorns do not understand nor do they approve of a Leos excitable and impulsive behavior.  But,  why?

      If you must know,  Capricorns tend to be orderly, organized and cannot stand Leos habit of leaping first, then asking questions later.  Because,  a Capricorns habits are conservative and not motivated to give a Leo person the constant adoration that a Leo needs.  Yet,  the extroverted Leo would finally become impatient with Capricorns reserved and secretive tendencies.  More importantly,  a Leo certainly would not surrender to Capricorns domineering ways. 

      Plus,  Leo people tend to adore luxury while Capricorns are more concerned with financial security.  And,  both signs want to Rule or be the Boss,  so this relationship could quickly come to an end. Unless,  they have other compatibilities in their birth charts that match well.  Most likely,  this match would be a        " Bad Idea ".