Saturday, April 6, 2024




  When you meet the dynamic Aries woman,  you will be in complete awe of her confidence, charisma, cheerfulness, passion and overall good looks.  If you fall in love with an Aries woman,  you will never lack for excitement.  Although,  the Aries woman will demand all of your attention,  she will also shower you with lots of attention and mental support.


  More importantly,  Aries females are considered by many  to be the mystery woman of the zodiac.  Because,  many of them think outside of the box or ( the traditional way of thinking) and you will find it difficult to predict her moves.  Reason may be,  she is restless and generally hates routine and the predictable.  

    However,  you may find Aries women working side by side with men in factories, as executives, athletes or as surgeons.  In relationships with men she can be domineering while taking the lead or settle for an equal partnership.  But,  she wants no man to become her lord and master.  When a man meets an irresistible force like her , she prefers to meet on equal terms.    

  The Aries woman may desire to be handle with tact while giving her the admiration she needs.  If a partner offers loyalty,  she will certainly repay the partner in kind.  The Aries woman simply wants to be understood and appreciated for her unique qualities.  

  So,  what are ( 3 Romantic Gestures ) suitable for an Aries woman?     

  1.  Introduce a mini-adventure she hasn't tried or hiking in a local state park, roller skating, hang gliding, etc.

2.  Personalized Gifts.

3.  A Ruby Ring  


Saturday, March 23, 2024



 First, the basic principles of astrology had to be established. 

        In the Middle East,  there exist a region that was once known as ( Mesopotamia ).  The southern part was called ( Babylonia ).  The north was called (Assyria ).  As in most early cultures,  the astrologers were the priests,  and the priests were not only religious leaders but leaders of government as well.  Each priest ruled his city-state or province, and delivered divine wisdom to his followers.

    Large observatories or watchtowers were built for the priest to study the movement of the stars and planets.  According to researchers,  it was the early Babylonian priest-astrologers who established the basic principles of astrology which has remained almost unchanged until today.  

   Certainly,  this is when Babylon began building a foundation for the modern zodiac.  But, how did they progress to further influence the modern zodiac?

   Well,  historians say,  the invention of the modern zodiac is credited to the Babylonians. Because,  they first divided the sky into 12 equal parts or signs,  through which the Sun and the Moon traveled.  The sky was thought of as a circle of 360 degrees with each division being 30 degrees. And,  this is the way astrologers measure the sky today.

      By the time the Babylonian culture fully developed,  astrology had become more sophisticated.  The Planets were given individual characteristics and properties,  and a God was assigned to each.  For example,  Mars,  reddish in color,  became identified with the fiery God of War. Which is the same as modern astrology.  

  And,  many more Planets were named and discovered (Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) in Ancient Babylonia and remain the same today. 

But, when did astrology become useful for personal guidance?

 In conclusion,  Babylonian astrology was mainly used for wide-scale pre-dictions:  Weather forecasts,  floods,  good and bad harvest,  eclipses,  war,  and the fortunes of the King.  Not until the Fifth Century B.C.  did astrology become more personal and used for guidance and relationship enhancement.  



Wednesday, March 13, 2024



   It's been said,  A dreamy Piscean Sign is more concerned with emotions, creativity and the psychic world.  So, imagination and spirituality come naturally for the Pisces Sign.  And,  they usually have peaceful and romantic qualities. 

           But,  what type of work environment or partnerships does a Pisces prefer?  Does the Pisces Sign prefer a partnership or work environment that follows strict rules, policies, procedures, and orders?  Or do Pisceans prefer work environments  that are flexible, fluid and non-restrictive?  

      Well,  many astrologers, have said,  that Pisceans are best suited for flexible, fluid and non-restrictive work environments.  Because,  this allows them plenty of self-expression. 

      However,  Pisceans are adaptable and quick to adjust to the organizational culture.  And,  they seem to be accepted by others simply because,  they are good listeners, they empathize. and they build rapport throughout the organization.  

     According to astrology,  Pisces is most compatible with other introverted Signs that have Water and Earth elements.  Such as,  Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus and Capricorn.

    Yet,  there are 2 surprising work partners that Pisces may form a useful work relationship.

(1.)  Libra:  Pisces and Libra could possibly form a harmonious work partnership,  because, each sign will give the other a great deal of consideration during work projects.  

(2.)  AquariusPisces and Aquarius may work well, because,  Aquarius will provide Pisces with an objective or logical perspective.  






Sunday, February 25, 2024




   In astrology,  Aries is considered to be the first Sign of the Zodiac because it marks the beginning of spring. 

        Aries is one of life's pioneers. They are generous with their time, counsel and sympathy.

   Generally speaking,  they are not seduced by sophisticated lifestyles,  their mission in life is to push the boundaries.  To think outside the normal. Courageously,  Aries strikes out into virgin territory and no matter how rough it gets,  no one can tough it out quite as well as an Aries.

       Romantically,  Aries is motivated and driven by passion.  However,  if you are a Pisces, don't appeal to them purely on the physical level, because,  they think of themselves as intellectuals.  And,  they enjoy lively discussions on many topics. 

    On the other side,  Pisces is the 12th and last Sign of the Zodiac.  And, they can be shy one minute,  then sociable the next,  Pisces is led by emotions,  intuitively following an inner voice that comes from deep within. 

    In romance,  they tend to seek a love affair that carries them off their feet,  Someone they trust to guide them,  a soulmate to share life's adventures and dreams as one.  Could it possibly be an Aries? 

    Aries could draw Pisces out of that shell of shyness.  And,  in turn,  Aries may become hypnotized by Pisces's seductive and mysterious qualities.      

      But,  the boldness and confidence of Aries, plus the Pisces intuitions, could create a unique union.

   In a way,  the Personality differences between Aries and Pisces, could compliment each other.  

   Aries is self-assured, but, Pisces is somewhat shy and versatile.  Aries like to Lead, Pisces, likes having someone to lean on.  But,  with a little tact and patience from Aries,  this could be a happy union and a Good match!   

Sunday, February 18, 2024




    Do you know a Sagittarius Sign?  

Does that person seem to be energetic, free spirited, generous, optimistic, careless and spontaneous?

  Most definitely,  these are qualities that people of this sign may often display.  Sagittarius people have a huge appetite for life, a desire to travel, explore the world and experience all it has to offer. This may be the reason this Sign is known as the traveler of the Zodiac.

  Because,  the Zodiac Sign of Sagittarius, is a lover of freedom, fresh air, sunshine and the great outdoors.

  Furthermore,  Sagittarians are usually popular among their peers. Socially outgoing,  they are quite often the life of the party. 

  In general,  Sagittarians are healthy and recuperate quickly from illness. In fact,  the Sign of Sagittarius rules the hips, the thighs and the liver.  But, also, they tend to keep their good looks and sparkling smile well into older age. 


  However,  according to astrological and health researchers, there are  (3 Things Sagittarius should avoid)

(1.)  Sagittarians should avoid or limit Alcoholic beverages. Because,  Sagittarius tend to have a sensitive liver and could instantly suffer from overuse of Alcohol. 

(2.)  Should avoid or limit intake of fats, gravies, cream, butter, candy and chocolates.  These foods do not agree with Sagittarius and could eventually cause weight gain and health issues. 

(3.)  Sagittarians should also avoid excessive exercise / recreation to reduce strain and chronic aches in the hips and thighs.     

Sunday, February 11, 2024


                MESSENGER OF THE GODS

  The foundation of the science of astrology was formally put in place during the Babylonian times.  The signs of the zodiac were named after actual  constellations of stars in the sky.  

  The early astronomers had noticed that the Sun traveled through the same constellations each year. During the spring, the path of the Sun crossed over the constellation of Aries. In the fall, the path of the Sun crossed over the constellation of Libra.  


  However,  each 2000 year transit through a    zodiac sign is called a Great Month: A Great Month is also referred to as an (Age). Each Age is characterized by the astrological sign of that era.

  So, what were some unique events to develop during the Age of Gemini? And, how were they Important to humankind? 


   Well,  Gemini,  ruled by Mercury,  is the planet of ( speed and communication ) and also the planet closes to the Sun. Moreover, during the Ancient Roman times, Mercury became known as (Messenger of the gods). Quickly moving and rushing to spread news and information. 

 Moreover, the Gemini sign has an active imagination and mental versatility. Consequently, the (Age of Gemini) is marked by the development of "writing" as a very important form of communication for humankind.   

 In fact, during the Age of Gemini, mankind expanded its intellectual capacities by beginning to record and store information. Furthermore, the invention of the wheel was brought into existence during this time period. This was a very important development for humankind, because, it made travel possible. Thus, expanding the possibilities of communication, trade and commerce during the    (Age of Gemini ) .     



Sunday, January 28, 2024




 What is it?  Is it magic?

  Do astrologers practice some type of magic tricks to predict the future?  Some people do believe it's magic!  Unfortunately,  for many years,  the idea of myth, superstition and magical predictions have all been accepted as normal in popular astrology.

  But,  prediction is not soothsaying or magic.  It does not use some magical form.  Really,  What happens is,  astrology will examine future trends in order to point out possible pitfalls or obstacles.  While doing this,  astrology can reveal and predict potential areas of success.  

  In fact,  the true value of prediction is to reveal a person's strengths.  In this case,  individuals can take advantage of their positive strengths to benefit and enrich their lives.  To accomplish this,  astrologers use many tools to anticipate future conditions.  Because,  one of the more important uses of astrology is the  






Saturday, December 16, 2023





  Leo women may display a strong need to feel special,  to stand out from the crowd and be recognized.  When Leo women feel connected to a sense of Royalty and Pride,  they may desire to seek out new sensations, new admirers, new fans, etc.

      Ultimately,  their motivation is to find         someone who will acknowledge them as unique.  In order to shine bright and powerful as the Sun. 

     Many Leo women have a very creative, versatile, poetic and flamboyant side to their personality.

 Therefore, gifts, presents and luxury of all kinds can make the Leo woman happy! The more expensive the better! 

But, if you want to keep a Leo woman purring.......try these (5-suitable gifts!

 (1.)  Provide a personal hairstylist:  This will make the Leo woman feel special.

 (2.)  Being taken to a designer clothing show and told to make a choice and to pick what you like best! 

(3.)  A High Class Hotel or Exclusive Club.

(4.)  Cashmere clothing.

(5.)  Being taken to the most expensive Jewelers in the city / town.